Rose - heart medicine and emotional support
As we gear up closer to summer holidays and Christmas gatherings - many of us are feeling tired, anxious, overwhelmed; Or it may be a sad time of year for some and they just need a little extra support.
Enter the Rose....
Roses are one of the most beloved plants worldwide - and it is not an accident they are the scent and image of love and embody beauty. It has captured the minds of artists and writers the world round. you could write a whole book on the use of Roses throughout the ages - its history with health and beauty is thousands of years old. It calms the skin, cools the body, settles the mind - But its soothing scent, moisturizing oils, and medicinal properties makes it a multi-purpose treasure for uplifting the heart, and the whole body.
So if you're in need of calming, re-balancing and mood lifting, then rose is your gentle go to for emotional support.
An easy way to include it in your day is a beautiful rose tea. Simply infuse a teaspoon of dried rose petals of buds into a cup of boiled water, let steep for 3-5 min and enjoy! Add honey for an extra sweet tea.
Another lengthier way of creating a beautiful rose ritual for yourself is to create your own rose oil (Rose essential oil is extremely expensive and it takes 8,000 roses to make 5ml of essential oil!).
In order to make your own Rose Oil
- fill a jar with freshly picked rose petals
- completely cover them in carrier oil of your choice (Sweet Almond, Jojoba, Olive as a suggested few)
- Add in 1/4 teaspoon of Vitamin E (as a preservative)
-Let sit for 2-4 weeks to infuse - you can leave in sunlight to shorten the process or sit for longer in a cool dark place.
-Bottle and enjoy a gorgeous rose scented body moisturiser!
Or you could simply crush a handful of rose petals and add with a few tablespoons of epsom salts in your bath or foot soak. A lovely way to relax and unwind.
So in this season of 'making it to the finish line' and constant social gatherings - remember to turn to the Rose for a little extra emotional support of the heart and mind.
You may like to try Cedar and Rose Botanics 'Rose Dew' facial mist, 'Forbidden Fruit' Facial oil, Sanctuary Room Mist or Perfume Oil if you're keen to add some skin loving products with Rose ingredients into your life.
x Amanda