Essential Oils in the home
Household cleaners today can be full of harsh chemicals and toxins, that when used build up toxicity in our bodies over time. Considering many of the hazardous chemicals in conventional products are often carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, or endocrine disrupters (doesn’t sound great right) and can have various side effects like asthma and eczema flare ups, coughing sneezing, headaches, rashes and more serious effects from the pollution levels indoors caused by the chemical emissions from products – like damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.
Then there’s the damage to the environment from using harsh chemical based cleaners conventional cleaning products contain ingredients that are non-biodegradable, and made from non-renewable resources like petroleum, so they greatly impact the earth’s eco-systems. Often there is no need for all the additives you find in common cleaning products on the supermarket shelves, they can be made just as effectively at home.
Essential oils are still potent chemicals – however they are (when harvested sustainably) much more earth friendly and a little goes a long way. Many essential oils are inexpensive and are naturally antibacterial, antiviral and deodorising. They can easily cut through grease, dirt, mould/mildew – but they also have the other great qualities which make them so great for Cedar and Rose Botanicals body care products. They can have wonderful effects on your mood, depending on which oil you choose they can calm, uplift or refresh your space.
So which essential oils are best for cleaning? Any of the citrus ones are perfect for around the house including lemon, lime, grapefruit and orange which are full of vitamin C, eating away and preventing bacteria from growing back. Peppermint is a great natural pest repellent and antifungal. Eucalyptus can help seasonal allergies as well as being an antiseptic. Cinnamon and clove are both powerful mould killers and have both been long considered spices of protection. Pine is a common ingredient in many household cleaners because it kills bacteria, fungi, pathogens and purifies the air. And of course, there’s the calming Lavender, which is perfect for relieving stress but also highly effective against bacteria and viruses! So not only are they effective but you can choose your scent based on preferences of smell or cleaning purpose.
There’s a plethora of recipes out there for DIY cleaning solutions – they’re effective, economical and it means using less plastic bottles. Win, Win, Win situation. Just remember when using water it’s best to use distilled (or cooled boiled water) to keep it as pure as possible.
My favourite recipe is a bench/multipurpose spray
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon liquid castile soap
500ml water
20 drops of essential oil
shake well before each use – So easy!
Another great recipe I have seen variations of is a substitute for jif.
1 cup baking soda
¼ cup liquid castile soap
20-30 drops of essential oil
Mix together to form a paste (add in water if needed to make more of a paste consistency).
This one is great for anything you would traditionally use jif for – bathrooms, stove tops, sinks. Rinse with warm water.
Essential oils are versatile and effective – such a great way to make cost effective and useful cleaning products ourselves to protect both us and the environment.